9990086 CHARTPAK CAOBA Collection COMPLEMENTOS Caoba color marker with a wide and fast-drying strip, with a chartpak mark. Suitable for wood grinding.
9990197 PILOT GOLD LACQUERED Collection COMPLEMENTOS Permanent marker silver brand pilot. with polyacetal tip and special valve mechanism to regulate ink output. median tip.
1020700 KIT PROTECTORS ALUMINIUM AMS (100 you) Collection COMPLEMENTOS Protective sponges aluminum kit ams. sheet 100 units.
9976003 Hotline gun (5kg) Collection COMPLEMENTOS Thermal tail bars for use in 20 cm pistol. length and 12 mm. diameter. box of 5 kg.
9977079 VAC-U-MOUNT SPRAY: SPECIAL FOR VACUUM PRESS BONDS Collection COMPLEMENTOS Aerosol adhesive specially formulated for the assembly of lithographs, photographs, screens, maps, fabrics, etc. in presses.
9950092 STRUT BACK KRAFT 10X15 Width: 240mm Height: 150mm Collection COMPLEMENTOS Rear portafotos kraft. 2.5 mm leg. thickness and 1,5 cm. output. valid for 2 to 3 cm mouldings.
9990074 LABEL CHARTPAK CHERRY Collection COMPLEMENTOS Skeleton cherries with a wide and fast-drying lace mark chartpak. Indicated for wood grinding.